Right, this is going to be a constant work in progress, but I've set up a Google Map for the San Diego Pibb Project, and also a Twitter account. You can access the map at any time by clicking that tab above this blog that says "The San Diego Pibb Project Map", and you can access the Twitter account my clicking that little "t" in the style of the Twitter logo, on the top right hand side of the site. I'll post a note to the Twitter account every time I update this blog. You can also set up an RSS feed to this blog, by clicking the little orange icon next to the Twitter button. I'm not really sure what an RSS feed is, but it sounds good, doesn't it.
I've started the map by marking out all the places where I've looked for Pibb, in the San Diego area so far. The blue markers are places where Pibb is available, and the red markers are places where it is NOT available. If you click on the individual markers, you'll be able to read my notes on each location, as well as the availability and beverage pricing. Hopefully, by the time this project is over, this map will be the definitive guide to Pibb availability in the region.
Here it is. You can click to enlarge, if you want to see the whole thing.
View The San Diego Pibb Project Map in a larger map
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