Friday, August 6, 2010


Right, you may remember my post from several weeks ago where I decided to write to Coca Cola themselves, to try to get some answers about why Pibb isn't available in the San Diego region. Well, that's exactly what I did, via the contact form on the official Coca Cola website.

From: Pibb Lover
Subject: Coca-Cola Web Form
Sent: 6/9/2010 12:30:49 PM
Good morning!
I wonder if you can help me. I am originally from England, but I moved to San Diego last year. In December, I went to Florida, and I tried Pibb for the first time, while I was there. I fell in love, and I couldn't wait to stock up on it as soon as I got back to San Diego. However, when I got back, I was devastated to find that Pibb is not stocked in any stores here. I can not find any bottles or cans of Pibb ANYWHERE. This is awful! Is there anything you can do about this? And could you tell me why this is? I am desperately hoping that you will be able to help me find some Pibb in the San Diego area. Many thanks!

Just a few minutes later, I received this reply:

From: Coca-Cola Support
To: Pibb Lover
Date: Wed, Jun 9, 2010 at 12:41 PM

Subject: RE: Coca-Cola Web Form
Thank you for contacting The Coca-Cola Company. We appreciate your interest in Pibb Xtra and apologize for the difficulty you have had finding it in your area.
Regarding availability, local bottling companies choose which brands to sell and the size of the packaging that will be available in their territories. These decisions are based on consumer demand and other market factors. The bottling companies then distribute our brands to retail outlets and restaurants. You see, consumer demand determines the optimal menu of Company product offerings. Consumer demand can vary from one locale to another and can change over time within a single locale.
Our current information shows that Pibb Xtra is not available in your area. We know this is disappointing, but we hope you will understand. Please know that your loyalty to this brand is certainly appreciated and your comments have been shared appropriately.
Should you have additional questions or comments, please feel free to contact us again.
Industry and Consumer Affairs
The Coca-Cola Company

I was ecstatic! I had a contact at Coca Cola! An insider! Perhaps Jeffrey and I would become friends; bonding over our shared love for Pibb. I envisioned us spending Christmas together with our families; exchanging huge boxes of Pibb as gifts, and Pibb ornaments hanging all over the Christmas tree. This was exactly the contact I needed to help me on my quest for Pibb!

Still, Jeffrey had responded quickly, but he hadn't provided me with a very reassuring answer, and he hadn't explained why Pibb isn't available here. I thought I'd better write back.

From: Pibb Lover
To: Coca-Cola Support
Date: Thu, Jun 10, 2010 at 7:32 AM
Subject: Re: Coca-Cola Web Form
Good morning Jeffrey!
Thank you so much for your quick response to my query, I really appreciate it.
I do, however have some further questions, and was hoping you might be able to dispel a few myths for me:
1. I was wondering if you could elaborate more on the difference between the original Mr Pibb, and Pibb Xtra? What constitutes the "Xtra"? There are rumours on the internet that there is added cinnamon, but these are all unconfirmed. Could you explain?
2. There are also rumours on the internet that the availability of Pibb in certain areas is connected to whether Coca Cola or Pepsi own the distribution rights for Dr Pepper in that area. Is this true? It seems odd that this situation might affect Pibb, as Dr Pepper is clearly just Pibb's poor-excuse cousin. This leads on to my third question...
3. I was excited to read this news announcement, earlier this week, stating that Coca Cola may start to distribute a larger variety of drinks in more areas. However, my excitement soon turned to despair when I read further rumours that the inclusion of Dr Pepper in Coke's new freestyle fountain dispenser might mean that Pibb gets left out! Could you please offer me some reassurance that this won't happen? As I said before, Dr Pepper is clearly just Pibb's poor-excuse cousin,. I am desperately hoping that this news will mean that I can finally obtain Pibb, here in San Diego. Is there a chance of this happening? All I want is to be able to buy a can or bottle of Pibb and enjoy it in the comfort of my own home, as I am sure you can understand. Is that too much to ask?
I look forward to hearing from you.Thanks again!
P.S- Working for Coca Cola must be very exciting. Do they have unimited bottles of Pibb in their HQ, and do you get to see it being made? I can't even imagine what that would be like!

Again, the reply came quickly:

From: Coca Cola Support
To: Pibb Lover
Date: Thu, Jun 10, 2010 at 7:42 AM
Subject: RE: Coca-Cola Web Form
Thank you for contacting The Coca-Cola Company. We appreciate your interest in our brands.
You may be interested to know that during 2002, Pibb Xtra completely replaced Mr. Pibb.
Pibb Xtra was originally developed as a local brand in Texas in response to Texans’ preference for a bolder-tasting Mr. Pibb. Consumer feedback to the introduction of Pibb Xtra in Texas was so positive that we decided to make it available to a broader audience.
Regarding availability, local bottling companies choose which brands to sell and the size of the packaging that will be available in their territories. These decisions are based on consumer demand and other market factors. The bottling companies then distribute our brands to retail outlets and restaurants. You see, consumer demand determines the optimal menu of Company product offerings. Consumer demand can vary from one locale to another and can change over time within a single locale.
Therefore, we are unable to speculate on which brands will be offered. We wish we could respond more positively.
We hope this information is helpful. Should you have additional questions or comments, please feel free to contact us again.
Industry and Consumer Affairs
The Coca-Cola Company

I started to become suspicious. Not only was Jeffrey replying VERY quickly to my emails, but he was also ignoring many of my questions, and phrasing most of his responses in exactly the same language. I began to wonder if "Jeffrey" was even a real person at all, or just someone sending out form letters, as an automated reply to my queries. It was all very disheartening, but I decided to have one last try:

From: Pibb Lover
To: Coca-Cola Support
Date: Thu, Jun 10, 2010 at 7:52 AM
Subject: Re: Coca-Cola Web Form
Hello again Jeffrey,
Gosh, that was a quick reply, thank you!
I am grateful for that Pibb information, thank you. Do you have any more? Is there a Pibb factsheet available? I would love to know as much about it as possible!
Also, seeing as Pibb is only ever available as a fountain drink here in San Diego, I never get to check the ingredients, as I could if I had a bottle or a can. Could you let me know what these are?
Lastly, could you please let me know if the rumours about cinnamon are correct? Is that the "Xtra" ingredient that provides the bolder taste which Pibb now offers?
Thanks again.

Here's the reply:

From: Coca-Cola Support
To: Pibb Lover
Date: Thu, Jun 10, 2010 at 10:51 AM
Subject: RE: Coca-Cola Web Form
Thank you for contacting The Coca-Cola Company again. We appreciate your interest in Pibb Xtra.
You may be interested to know that nutritional information for most of our brands in the U.S. is available via our website at:
I have attached the fountain nutrition chart for your review.
We hope this information is helpful. Should you have additional questions or comments, please feel free to contact us again.
Industry and Consumer Affairs
The Coca-Cola Company

(Here is the Pibb information taken from the fountain nutrition chart which was attached to the email - click to read):

While I was pleased to see that Pibb was relatively low in calories (less than 100), my suspicions were confirmed: "Jeffrey" was nothing but a hoax, a sham. I felt dejected. I needed to speak to someone else; an expert.

From: Pibb Lover
To: Coca-Cola Support
Date: Thu, Jun 10, 2010 at 11:22 AM
Subject: Re: Coca-Cola Web Form
Thank you Jeffrey. Once again you seem to have avoided my question about cinnamon, though. Is there someone else I should speak to about this? Perhaps a Pibb specialist, who might know more about the origins of the drink?
All the best.

I got this back:

From: Coca-Cola Support
To: Pibb Lover
Date: Fri, Jun 11, 2010 at 3:58 AM

Subject: RE: Coca-Cola Web Form
Thank you for contacting The Coca-Cola Company.
We are not able to disclose or comment on the flavor composition of Coca-Cola brand products; this information is proprietary to The Coca-Cola Company.
What we can tell you, as indicated on the product label, Pibb Xtra in the U.S. contains the following safe and suitable ingredients, which are common to many other foods and beverages: Carbonated Water, High Fructose Corn Syrup And/Or Sucrose, Caramel Color, Natural And Artificial Flavors, Phosphoric Acid, Potassium Benzoate (To Protect Taste), Caffeine, Monosodium Phosphate, Lactic Acid.
You may be interested to know that nutritional information for most of our brands in the U.S. is available via our website at:
We hope this information is helpful.
Industry and Consumer Affairs
The Coca-Cola Company

Pathetic. It's clear that "Jeffrey" was of no use to me now. I was all alone on my quest, once again. A renegade. A rebel. One man, fighting for his right to Pibb.

Thursday, August 5, 2010

An Update


Gosh, it's been ages since I updated this, hasn't it. Sorry about that. I don't really have any great excuses, except that, being an Englishman, I got quite distracted by the World Cup for a while. My wife is also currently pregnant with our first baby, so we've been busy preparing for his arrival and trying not to panic too much.

Anyway, the good news is that I haven't had to spend all of this time Pibb-less! No, thanks to my lovely wife, I've been enjoying a steady supply of Pibb for the past couple of months. Sadly it's not because we found anywhere that stocks it, though. Instead, my wife ordered THREE 12-pack cases of Pibb for me, for my birthday, which was in June. She ordered them from, who did an excellent job, delivering them very quickly, and at an extremely reasonable price. We would definitely order Pibb from them again in the future.

However, my initial reason for starting this blog still remains: I still can't find a reliable source of Pibb anywhere, here in San Diego.

Some other good news is that I haven't just spent all this time resting on my laurels. I've actually done quite a bit of investigating, and I have some exciting updates, which I'll be making very soon. I've also been to plenty of local places in the search for Pibb, and will be updating the Pibb map accordingly.

Stay tuned, my fellow Pibb-lovers!

Monday, June 14, 2010

Something awful.

Just as I was about to reply to the email I had received from Larry Thomas, I noticed a link to a recent news story, on one of the beverage forums I had seen during my research. I decided to click on it, and it took me to this:

ATLANTA (AP) — June 7th, 2010

Coca-Cola Co. says it will distribute certain drinks made by Dr Pepper and Snapple (DPS) as part of a $715 million deal.

The agreement was announced Monday morning.

Under the terms of the deal, Coca-Cola (KO) will distribute Dr Pepper and Canada Dry ginger ale in the United States. It will also distribute drinks in Canada. Dr Pepper Snapple gets a one-time $715 million payment from Coca-Cola.

The beverages were previously distributed by Coca-Cola Enterprises, which Coca-Cola is acquiring. Monday's agreement replaces an established deal between Coca-Cola Enterprises and Dr Pepper.

The new agreement will last for 20 years and includes renewal options.

As part of the deal, Dr Pepper and Diet Dr Pepper will be included in Coke's new "Freestyle" fountain dispenser, which can mix more than 100 drinks.

Dr Pepper paid Coca-Cola between $115 million and $135 million to be the only non-Coke product on the high-tech dispenser, which is expected to be in 500 locations by the end of the summer.

In December, Dr Pepper inked a similar deal with Pepsi (PEP) for $900 million. Both Coca-Cola and Pepsi are trying to gain more control over their bottlers and distributors, hoping to get new drinks on shelves more quickly to keep up with changing tastes.

As I finished reading the story, the terrible realization hit me: if the rumours were true and Pibb was only available in places where Coca Cola didn't own the rights to distribute Dr Pepper, would this deal mean the end of Pibb? I started to panic. I needed some clarity, so I emailed my new friend Larry immediately:

From: Pibb Lover
To: Larry Thomas
Date: Thu, Jun 10, 2010 at 1:18 PM
Subject: Re: Hello my Pibb-loving brothers!
Hi Larry,

Thanks so much for your quick reply! I am extremely envious of the fact that you can get 12 packs of Pibb there - it seems crazy that they don't sell it in San Diego!

It's also exciting to hear that I'm not the only English person who's a fan of Pibb. We obviously have good taste!

I would definitely love to come and see your Pibb collection sometime soon, and document it for my blog! When are you usually available?

Also, I'd like to share some news with you. I was initially excited to read this news announcement, earlier today. However, my excitement soon turned to despair when I realised that the inclusion of Dr Pepper in Coke's new freestyle fountain dispenser might mean that Pibb gets left out, or discontinued entirely! Do you think that is possible? I am really hoping it won't be true. Let's keep our fingers crossed!

Many thanks,

San Diego Pibb Lover

This time, I had to wait a little longer for the response. Whilst I waited for an email to appear in my inbox, I decided to investigate something in the news story which had caught my eye: "the new 'Freestyle' fountain dispenser, which can mix more than 100 drinks". I found this story, on a local news site, which describes the new dispensers as "the soda fountain of the future" and then explains exactly how they work. I had to admit, they sounded amazing, but what would be the point of having the choice of so many new flavours if Pibb wasn't amongst them? It all seemed like a cruel joke.
Finally, after almost two agonising days of waiting, I received another reply from Larry. I opened it with trepidation, afraid of what it might say. This was his response:

From: Larry Thomas
To: Pibb Lover
Date: Sat, Jun 12, 2010 at 12:39 AM
Subject: Re: Hello my Pibb-loving brothers!
Hi again,

The way the Coca-Cola company has been bottling and distributing Pibb is rather confusing.  The way it's been for many years is that Coca-Cola will only bottle and distribute Pibb in regions where they were unable to secure a deal with Dr. Pepper.   Dr. Pepper requires a 'No Competition' clause in their agreement with Coke which forbids Coke from producing Pibb in every region where they have an arrangement with Coke.

The Coca-Cola company would much rather offer Dr. Pepper instead of their own brand (Pibb) and will only produce Pibb in areas where Pepsi or 7UP has obtained the rights to offer Dr. Pepper.  San Diego, Orange, Riverside, San Bernardino and Los Angeles Counties have all been 'Dr. Pepper only' territories because Coke owns the rights to distribute Dr. Pepper in those areas.

But in Kern County (Bakersfield) and also the Fresno area, Coke does not have the right to distribute Dr. Pepper (Pepsi has that agreement) and so they can offer Pibb in cans and bottles to compete.  However in recent years Coke has chosen to scale back the production of Pibb in cans and bottles and it can now only be found in a few stores like Albertson's in Bakersfield.  Vons no longer offers it.

The fountain drink dispensing machines in fast food places and restaurants are a different situation and have nothing to do with the bottling agreements that I mentioned.  For many years Pibb was available at McDonalds but that is no longer the case.  McDonalds decided they wanted Dr. Pepper and so they switched over about 6 months ago.

My guess is that Pibb might be completely phased out at some point because it just hasn't been a good seller for Coke.   I hope that doesn't happen but it wouldn't surprise me if it did.

I read on your blog that you would like a copy of the Pibb game on floppy disc.  I'm sure I have some spares around and will give you one when you visit.  How soon do you want to come?  Sundays are usually good for me and it's also probably the best day to avoid traffic.  Any Sunday this month would probably be good for me but if you'd rather come on a different day I can arrange that as well.  Our collection is mostly packed in boxes now but we have some items out and I can open up a few of the boxes and show you some of our favorite items.

Bye for now.


Despite my excitement about getting a copy of the Mr Pibb game on disc, and a potential visit to meet Larry and see his Pibb collection, I was furious. How could Coca Cola be doing this? Were they insane? Didn't they care about people like Philip and Larry and I?

I couldn't take it any more. This was criminal! Somebody had to stand up for all the Pibb-lovers out there! I decided to write to Coca Cola.

Connecting with the Thomas brothers!

The day after discovering , I decided to send its creators a message:

Date: Thu, Jun 10, 2010 at 7:17 AM
Subject: Hello my Pibb-loving brothers!
Dear Philip and / or Larry,


Please allow me to introduce myself. I recently moved to San Diego from London, Englan and last December my wife (although she was actually still my fiancee at the time) took me to Florida, to meet my future in-laws. Whilst in Florida, I tried my first ever Pibb and, as you can imagine, I fell in love. I couldn't wait to come back to San Diego and stock up; living out the rest of my days in some kind of Pibb utopia. So I was devastated when I got back and realized that Pibb is not available here.

But I refused to give up on my dream that easily. I kept on looking, and never lost hope. And as a result, the San Diego Pibb Project was born.  A few days ago, I was doing some research for my blog; trying to find out more about the history of Pibb. I was amazed by how little is known about this topic, and how scarce the information is. So I had almost given up hope, when I stumbled upon your website. I couldn't believe it! I was delighted! Here were two other people with same passion as me!

I knew right away that I had to write to you both. Not only to thank you for your hard work and dedication to Pibb, but also to ask if I could have your consent, to mention your website on my blog and to use some of the facts you have gathered, on my quest to track down Pibb. Perhaps we could work together in some way! I would be happy to contribute to the "Availability" section of your website, if you wish. Maybe we could even all meet up someday, and celebrate the glory of Pibb together! I would certainly love to see your collection of Pibb memorabilia.

Anyhow, I hope you are both well, and I look forward to hearing from you.

All the best,

San Diego Pibb Lover

Then I sat and waited, patiently hoping for a response.

I didn't have to wait long. Just a few hours later, this appeared in my inbox:

From: Larry Thomas
To: Pibb Lover
Date: Thu, Jun 10, 2010 at 12:23 PM
Subject: Re: Hello my Pibb-loving brothers!


Thanks for writing to us.  My brother Phil and I have been collecting Pibb memorabilia for over 15 years and have compiled the world's largest collection.  We previously had another Mr. Pibb web site called 'The Ultimate Pibb Site' (1997-2004) when we ran out of time to devote to it and had to let it go.  A couple of years later we started the new site ( which still as a lot of work to be done on it.

Over the years we have done a lot of traveling around the country in our quest for collectibles, finding very rare items in places like Bishop, CA, Bakersfield, CA, Dallas, TX and Kansas City, MO.   Currently we buy Pibb Xtra in 12 packs at the Kmart store in Bishop, CA or the Albertson's in Bakersfield, CA.  As you know, some fast food places such as Del Taco have Pibb in the fountain machines as well.

Yes feel free to use whatever you want from our site on your blog.   We would love to meet up sometime and for you to see our collection.  We have a few spare collectible items that we could give you as well.  I am in Orange County (City of Orange) so that would only be about a 1.5 hour or less drive for you.  We also met someone else from Devon, England through our Pibb site and she has come over with her mother three times and visited us since 2004.  They love Pibb as well.

Hope to hear from you again soon.


I couldn't believe it! Not only had Larry replied, but he was happy to meet with me, and might even have some spare collectible items to give me! I felt like all my Christmases had come at once.

But then, just as I was about to reply, something awful happened.

Pibbophiles unite!

I only started this blog a few days ago, but I'm already learning that the quest for Pibb is an emotional rollercoaster. After my previous disappointing encounter with Wikipedia, I decided I'd have to delve deeper into cyberspace in order to find some answers to my questions about the mysterious origins of Mr Pibb. I typed "Pibb", "Mr Pibb" and "Pibb Xtra" into Google and then scoured the thousands of search results, but there was still a distinct lack of information available. All I got was some links to now-defunct forums, where people were arguing the merits of various drinks, or sharing anecdotes about their favourite beverages. Some of these forums suggested that the reason Pibb isn't available all over America is to do with a distribution deal between Coke, Pepsi, and Dr Pepper, but this was all laid out as rumours and hearsay, without any real sources quoted. It was all very disheartening. I began to lose hope. How could I continue the San Diego Pibb Project? This was useless. I needed concrete facts.

Then, something remarkable happened. I found not one, but two websites which are entirely devoted to Mr Pibb!

The first is the Unofficial Pibb Page, constructed by Chris Houser. In his list of things he has worked on, Chris states that he has co-authored a book, called The Joy Of Clojure. I had no idea what clojure was, so I decided to have a quick look at the first chapter of Chris' book, which is avilable free, online. Section 5 of the chapter is titled "Being Lazy And Set In Your Ways", which sounded like excellent advice to me, but on closer inspection turned out to be about some kind of computer programming language; it turns out clojure is the name of a particular type of code. Frankly, it was all a bit boring, and I thought the book was rubbish, but Chris is still all right by me, because he loves Pibb.

The first thing Chris says on his Pibb site is
Wow! You should really be proud of yourself! You have found a page dedicated to the most incredibly delicious beverage on the planet.
Which is very true. I was feeling proud of myself. Sadly, after that Chris's website goes downhill a bit. It hasn't really been updated since the late 1990s, and there's really not much on there anymore. However, on question 5 of the site's FAQ page, I found something amazing: a map of Pibb availability!

When I looked at the map, I was very upset. As I'd suspected, San Diego is classified as part of the "Fountain only" section of California; just down in the left hand corner of the West coast. What this means is that Pibb is available in some places in San Diego, but not for purchase in bottles or cans at the shops; only as a fountain drink, avilable from the drink dispensers in restaurants. Of course, this isn't as bad as living on one of the scattered purple patches of "No Mr Pibb" areas - I would be horrified if I lived there - but it's still far from perfect. Ever since I first tried Pibb, all I want to do is to be able to bring some home, keep it in my fridge, and enjoy it at my leisure. It seems ridiculous that I am unable to do so, in the ninth-largest city in the United States! The aim of this blog is to find a place that rectifies that problem; or at the very least plot out a map of all the places where I can get Pibb in some form, at short notice. Thanks to Chris's map, I now had a better idea of the regions that might have it in stock.

The second Pibb website I found was the marvellous, which was put together by two brothers, Philip and Larry Thomas. Here they are, look:

I'm not sure which one's Philip and which one's Larry, though, so you'll have to do your own guesswork there.

The Pibbthug site is a veritable goldmine of Pibb information, ranging from a complete and detailed history of the drink, to incredible stories about disastrous Coca Cola marketing campaigns! The Thomas brothers proudly state that their site is "committed to providing global fans with a PiBB cup-runneth-over wealth of information and images from PiBB's glorious 35-year history and will strive daily to deliver its promise to be 'the most comprehensive Mr. PiBB fan website ever' ". They also remind us that the "information presented on this website has been personally researched and compiled by Philip and Larry over the course of the last 13 years after countless hours spent in libraries and visiting dozens of different bottling facilities across the United States". Finally, they boast that their collection of Pibb memorabilia is "the largest of its kind, by far, in the entire world, and will go unmatched for all of eternity". Gosh!

As I looked through the pages of the Thomas brothers' site, I was overjoyed. Finally I had found someone whose passion for Pibb matched my own! And I had found some reliable information about the history of the drink! I felt rejuvenated, and was confident that the San Diego Pibb Project was not in vain; particularly as the brothers' relationship with Pibb had humble beginnings, and is very much like my own story:
for the first several years, their true refreshment was sourced only from fast-food restaurant fountain drink machines; residing in Southern California meant no access to canned or bottled PiBB. Just his poor-excuse cousin, Dr Pepper, made appearances in supermarkets, convenience stores and vending machines.
I like that term - "poor excuse cousin". I think it describes my own feelings about Dr Pepper pretty accurately, too.

I left the Pibbthug site with a sense of determination, jubilation, and unity. I'd hit the motherload, and I wasn't alone! I had found some kindred spirits! Perhaps the Thomas brothers might be able to help me on my quest! I decided to I'd better contact them.

Thursday, June 10, 2010


After I'd finished my research on the definition of Pibb, I decided that my next step should be to try to learn about the history of the drink. Maybe by delving into the past and trying to learn the drink's origins I'd find some clues as to why it's only available in certain areas, or how I might be able to find it.

I started by looking in the same place as everyone else looks when they need some information about something: Wikipedia.

As you can see, the Wikipedia page for Pibb is woefully disappointing. There's only one exciting bit, which is where it explains that there used to be a Pibb video game in the 1990s:

In the 1990s, the marketers of Mr. Pibb distributed a video game. It featured a cartoon man similar to the cartoon used on the original Mr. Pibb can, whose mission was to escape from a school inhabited by zombies. He defeated the zombies by burping at them and he could increase his burp capacity by drinking Mr. Pibb. This video game was played through MS-DOS on a PC, and was distributed in floppy disk format (3.5" diskette) and (less common) PC CD-ROM.

That sounds amazing, doesn't it! If anyone out there has a copy of this game, please get in touch. But, other than that, besides a couple of "media influence" anecdotes, there's no information on Wikipedia which you couldn't find by simply checking the brand page on the Coca Cola website. All it says about the drink's origins is this:

Introduced in June 1972 to compete against Dr Pepper, Mr. Pibb had a less widespread blend of flavors.

I don't know about you, but I don't like the tone of that. It's sounds like it's suggesting that Pibb is somehow inferior to Dr Pepper, which we all know is obviously untrue. It continues:

The original test markets for Mr. Pibb in 1972 were located in Waco, Texas (the birthplace of Dr Pepper).

Waco, Texas is of course also the place where seventy-six people died, in 1993, as a result of the infamous Waco Siege. It's unclear as to whether these tragic events were in any way connected to the 21st Anniversary of Mr Pibb, but it seems unlikely.

And, finally, the Wikipedia article states: 

In 2001, a new formula called Pibb Xtra was introduced with added cinnamon flavor, replacing the original formula in many parts of the US.

And that's it. It had become clear: I'd have to delve deeper, and do some investigating.

Map, Twitter, and RSS Feed

Right, this is going to be a constant work in progress, but I've set up a Google Map for the San Diego Pibb Project, and also a Twitter account. You can access the map at any time by clicking that tab above this blog that says "The San Diego Pibb Project Map", and you can access the Twitter account my clicking that little "t" in the style of the Twitter logo, on the top right hand side of the site. I'll post a note to the Twitter account every time I update this blog. You can also set up an RSS feed to this blog, by clicking the little orange icon next to the Twitter button. I'm not really sure what an RSS feed is, but it sounds good, doesn't it.

I've started the map by marking out all the places where I've looked for Pibb, in the San Diego area so far. The blue markers are places where Pibb is available, and the red markers are places where it is NOT available. If you click on the individual markers, you'll be able to read my notes on each location, as well as the availability and beverage pricing. Hopefully, by the time this project is over, this map will be the definitive guide to Pibb availability in the region.

Here it is. You can click to enlarge, if you want to see the whole thing.

View The San Diego Pibb Project Map in a larger map